Odor Nuke

Task: create label design for launching a new product line. Odor Nuke is a cleaning product, sold in a straight-sided plastic jar. The design concept needs to be a “likeable” design that screams “I Work Great, Buy Me Now!”.

Client: Odor Nuke
Website: odornuke.com
Date: July 18, 2019
Services: Label Design, Packaging Design, Print

The design concept creating process included:

  • Exploring logos, visual identity and call to action visuals.
  • Ensure design reflect that product is a powerful odor neutralizer using relevant visual elements, background and icons.
  • Showing a strong eco-friendly idea and philosophy.
  • Experience with regulatory requirements like FDA, GHS, OSHA, USDOT; etc.).
  • Designing for curved surfaces.
  • Using right pantones.
  • High attention to detail.
  • Utilization strong label design principles.


ODOR NUKE FOR URINE – is a powerful urine odor neutralizing tablet, specially formulated for use in temporary urine collection devices, like bedpans, urinal bottles, travel johns, piddle packs, drainage bags and waterless toilets. It is an eco-friendly product, and is safe and effective for professional use and in the home.

ODOR NUKE at Amazon (link)